Eugene Yakovis / Åâãåíèé ßêîâèñ

    publications :·
Eugene Yakovis / Åâãåíèé ßêîâèñ
<ïîñëåäíåå îáíîâëåíèå ñòðàíèöû: 18.8.2024>

Key publications

 Chava A., Artemieva A., Yakovis E. Variation in top-down control of red algae epibiosis in the White Sea. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser., in press
 Chava A., Artemieva A., Yakovis E. Effect of a generalist mesopredator on modular and unitary sessile prey associated with a foundation species. Ecology and Evolution, v. 14, 2024, e11413 (pdf, 8.3MB)
 Yakovis E., Artemieva A. Effects of a trophic cascade on a multi-level facilitation cascade. Journal of Animal Ecology, v. 90(10), 2021, pp. 2462-2470 (pdf, 623kB)
 Golikova E., Varfolomeeva M., Yakovis E., Korsun S. Saltmarsh foraminifera in the subarctic White Sea: thrive in summer, endure in winter. Estuar. Coast. Shelf. Sci., v. 238, 2020, 106685 (pdf, 3.6MB)
 Yakovis E., Artemieva A. Epibenthic predators control mobile macrofauna associated with a foundation species in a sub-arctic subtidal community. Ecology and Evolution, v. 9, 2019, pp. 10499-10512 (pdf, 983kB)
 Chava A., Artemieva A., Yakovis E. Plant part age and size affect sessile macrobenthic assemblages associated with a foliose red algae Phycodrys rubens in the White Sea. Diversity, v. 11(5), 2019, article number 80 (pdf, 3456kB)
 Yakovis E., Artemieva A. Cockles, barnacles and ascidians compose a subtidal facilitation cascade with multiple hierarchical levels of foundation species. Scientific Reports, v.7, 2017, article number 237 (pdf, 1.4MB)
 Yakovis E., Artemieva A. Bored to death: community-wide effect of predation on a foundation species in a low disturbance arctic subtidal system. PLoS One, v. 10, 2015, e0132973 (pdf, 11MB)
 Tamberg Y., Shunatova N., Yakovis E. Solitary entoprocts living on bryozoans — commensals, mutualists or parasites? J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., v. 440, 2013, pp. 15-21 (pdf, 795kB)
 Yakovis E.L., Artemieva A.V., Fokin M.V., Varfolomeeva M.A., Shunatova N.N. Synchronous annual recruitment variation in barnacles and ascidians in the White Sea shallow subtidal 1999—2010. Hydrobiologia, v. 706, 2013, pp. 69-79 (pdf, 2MB)
 Yakovis E.L., Artemieva A.V., Fokin M.V., Varfolomeeva M.A. Intraspecific variation in stable isotope signatures indicates no small-scale feeding interference between a horse mussel and an ascidian. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser., v. 467, 2012, pp. 113-120 (pdf, 810kB)
 Varfolomeeva M.A., Artemieva A.V., Shunatova N.N., Yakovis E.L. Growth and survival of barnacles in presence of co-dominating solitary ascidians: growth ring analysis. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 363(1), 2008, pp. 42-47 (pdf, 357kB)
 Yakovis E.L., Artemieva A.V., Shunatova N.N., Varfolomeeva M.A. Multiple foundation species shape benthic habitat islands. Oecologia, v. 155(4), 2008, pp. 785-795 (pdf, 769kB + electronic supplimentary material, 89kB)
 Yakovis E.L., Artemieva A.V., Fokin M.V., Varfolomeeva M.A., Shunatova N.N. Effect of habitat architecture on mobile benthic macrofauna associated with patches of barnacles and ascidians. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser., v. 348, 2007, pp. 117-124 (pdf, 152kB)
 Yakovis E.L., Artemieva A.V., Fokin M.V., Grishankov A.V., Shunatova N.N. Patches of barnacles and ascidians in soft bottoms: associated motile fauna in relation to the surrounding assemblage. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., v. 327(2), 2005, pp. 210-224 (pdf, 293kB)
 Yakovis E.L., Artemieva A.V., Fokin M.V. Spatial pattern indicates an influence of barnacle and ascidian aggregations on the surrounding benthic assemblage. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., v. 309(2), 2004, pp. 155-172 (pdf, 284kB)
 Yakovis E.L. Substrate preferences of a non-colonial kamptozoan, and its interactions with bryozoan hosts. Marine Biology, v. 141(6), 2002, pp. 1109-1115 (pdf, 311kB)
 Temereva E.N., Malakhov V.V., Yakovis E.L., Fokin M.V. Phoronis ovalis (Phoronida, Lophophorata) in the White Sea: the first discovery of phoronids in the Arctic Basin. Dokl. Biol. Sci., v. 374, 2000, p. 523-525

Published abstracts

 Yakovis E.L., Artemieva A.V. Predators mediate the effect of foundation species in subtidal barnacle clusters // 49nd European Marine Biology Symposium abstracts, St.-Petersburg, 2014, p. 42-43 (pdf, 1.3MB)
 Yakovis E.L., Artemieva A.V. Bored to death: effect of the predatory whelk Boreotrophon clathratus on the barnacle Balanus crenatus in the White Sea shallow subtidal // 49nd European Marine Biology Symposium abstracts, St.-Petersburg, 2014, p. 66 (pdf, 1.3MB)
 Yakovis E.L., Artemieva A.V., Fokin M.V., Varfolomeeva M.A., Shunatova N.N. Long-term patch dynamics in the community shaped by bivalves, barnacles, ascidians and red algae: multiple foundation species in the White Sea shallow subtidal // 39th Benthic Ecology Meeting abstracts, Wilmington NC, 2010, p. 211-212 (pdf, 1.61MB + presentation, ppt, 8.84MB)
 Yakovis E.L., Artemieva A.V., Varfolomeeva M.A., Shunatova N.N. Effect of hard structures on the surrounding benthic assemblage of the soft sediment // 39th Benthic Ecology Meeting abstracts, Wilmington NC, 2010, p. 5 (pdf, 1.61MB + poster, ppt, 304kB)
 Tamberg Y.Y., Shunatova N.N., Yakovis E.L. Size of consumed diatom algae indicates feeding segregation in symbiotic suspension-feeders: preliminary results. 42nd European Marine Biology Symposium abstracts, Kiel, 2007, p. 327 (pdf, 982kB)
 Varfolomeeva M.A., Shunatova N.N., Khalaman V.V., Belyaeva D.V., Yakovis E.L. Choice of substrate by ascidian larvae does not explain the distribution of adults. 42nd European Marine Biology Symposium abstracts, Kiel, 2007, p. 199 (pdf, 1.08MB)
 Khaitov V.M., Naumov A.D., Artemyeva A.V., Fokin M.V., Yakovis E.L. Long-term changes in the communities associated with dense assemblages of blue mussels: old theories and new data. Adaptations of marine organisms and problems of global climate changes, St.-Petersburg, 2006, p. 12-13
 Nikolaeva M.A., Yakovis A.S., Shunatova N.N., Artemieva A.V., Yakovis E.L. Growth and survival of barnacles in the presence of ascidians as potential competitors: growth bands analysis. 35th Benthic Ecology Meeting abstracts, Quebec, 2006, p. 69 (pdf, 80kB + presentation, zip, 4.7MB)
 Artemieva A.V., Fokin M.V., Nikolaeva M.A., Shunatova N.N., Yakovis E.L. Possible role of habitat complexity in structuring of motile benthic fauna by patches of barnacles and ascidians. 35th Benthic Ecology Meeting abstracts, Quebec, 2006, p. 47 (pdf, 83kB)
 Yakovis E.L., Khaitov V.M., Nikolaeva A.M., Fokin M.V. Barnacle aggregations alter benthic infauna. 33rd European Marine Biology Symposium abstracts, Wilhelmshaven, 1998, p. 56
 Yakovis E.L. Orientation of Semibalanus balanoides (Cirripedia) relatively to surf direction. 32nd European Marine Biology Symposium abstracts, Lysekil, 1997, p. 140
 Yakovis E.L. Species composition and spatial structure in subtidal aggregations of barnacles. Comparison of enclosed and semi-enclosed marine systems - BMB 15 and ECSA 27 Symposium abstracts, Marienhamn, 1997, p. 80
 Yakovis E.L. Association between a solitary kamptozoan and bryozoans. 31st European Marine Biology Symposium abstracts, St.-Petersburg, 1996, p. 96